Living By Faith Tribe Information


The LBF Tribe is a private group dedicated to learning more about the book and the people portrayed. I’ll be providing inside information, interesting facts, and insights into the village and people of Yonna.

Plus, you’ll receive a manuscript of the book and even some photos!

During the next few weeks, we’ll be planning our book launch and providing a chance to participate in various related activities. Members of the LBF tribe will have the opportunity to win a signed copy of Living By Faith,, too!

There is no cost nor obligation to you; all I ask is that you participate in our group and help spread the word about the book.

If you would like to join the private group and participate, please use the following links:

Private LBF FB group

After you are accepted by the LBF FB group, you will receive a password to access the private pages on our website.

Welcome to our Tribe! I look forward to sharing some fascinating information and photos with you!

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